The discussion about Tropical versus Sidereal astrology has been one I have had several times with many friends, astrologically versed and otherwise, as well as professional astrologers. I would liken the experience to speaking amongst others about vegetarianism - it's a sensitive topic in these volatile times where we are more unsure of the longevity of our human existence than perhaps ever before but we are still not too fond of giving up what we are familiar and comfortable with, even if it is detrimental to our individual and/or collective well-being. Like most moments of leaping into the unknown there are those who hold on refusing to let go or acknowledge the awesome potential of the void, others who eventually drop by either choice or necessity fumbling and stumbling as they find their way and then those who simply jump aiming to fly eyes wide open ready for the adventure. Interestingly, its seems to be the ones who know less about the topic who are more open to receiving new information. At the risk of sounding dogmatic, it's time we make the shift.
So what am I talking about? I'm referring to the precession of the equinoxes based on the tilt and wobble of Earth. I'm talking about that single and absolute constant that we experience in life called change. I'm asking more of us to be open to systems that reference moving rather than static knowledge so that we can continue to evolve into the NOW and beyond. The ever growing information super highways that we are now privy to not only provide for this type of shift in intellectual gear but demand it. We have the capacity to know so much more than we are often willing to accept to be ignorant. Let's open the lid on Tropical Sun Sign Astrology.
The article that I most recommend to read about the shift into Sidereal astrology from Tropical (there are few and this is golden) is by
Nick Anthony Fiorenza. He explains it all in very fine scientific detail so adjust your thinking cap! I will highlight the key points that popped out for me of which the most significant is the funky graphic on the top of the page. It illustrates the precession perfectly. You will notice how Earth's antenna or polar axis up to the North Star keeps on moving around in a circle due to the tilt and wobble of our planet. If we can agree that this movement is indeed a scientific fact, not a philosophical theory, then we must agree to let go of Tropical sun sign astrology as our primary reference due to its static and out-dated data etched firmly into the ephemeris almost 2000 years ago in Ancient Greece. The 0 degrees Aries point that defines the Western system (i.e the vernal point which once marked the alignment of the Spring equinox with the zodiac) has shifted one degree every 72 years ever since its conception and will continue to. Obviously with such a slow shift the impact has thus far been minimal but even so, given this astronomical fact, Tropical Sun sign astrology is at this point in time approximately 24 degrees off the mark.
I hear you cry - noooo! But I want to remain a Leo :) Don't we all. Today I was in my hair salon pulling up my stylist's chart getting that familiar preemptory sense of what it is to pop someone's bubble. I asked him, "How attached are you to the idea of being a Piscean?" He looked at me like I had just threatened to kill and replied, "Very." Mmm just as I thought. There's backup here people and very logical explanations for why we strongly
feel so identified with the signs that we believe we are cast under. First and foremost, we are human beings with an often dominating (dare I say domineering) sense of self (i.e ego) that tells us who and what we are. Secondly, we need to consider Progressions and the fact that even tho Mr Aquarius, who can't fathom the thought of not being a Pisces, was in fact born (sidereally) under the sun / moon / mars / mercury and rising sign of Aquarius he progressed into Pisces sun at the age of 17, which when explained made perfect sense to him. "Yes I was a little weird up until that age." Ha! The reality is that by the time most of us are even considering astrology as part of our psycho-spiritual makeup we have progressed into our Tropical chart. So why bother with Sidereal if we end up where we began in the first place? Because it's about understanding the journey, seeing the unfoldment of the spirit and realising that this too will pass as we grow throughout life. Nothing is static. Do we want to view only certain parts of our life that make our egos feel good (eg. youthful vibrant Leonine times) or do we want to see the bigger picture?
In trying to understand the relationship between the two systems, Fiorenza writes:
Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the tropical signs continue to drift from the sidereal signs and further from the true star positions that characterize the signs to start with. Although the twelve divisions of both zodiakal systems are created by natural harmonics occurring in the ecliptic, they are harmonics referenced to different realms of consciousness. The RELATIONSHIP of the moving tropical zodiak with respect to the fixed sidereal zodiak reveals the nature of the relationship of incarnate personality consciousness with respect to the true soul level awareness--that is, where we are in the evolutionary unfoldment of human consciousness, in the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul.And further,
It is interesting to note that many of the religions of the world, as well as the perpetuation of "tropical astrology" still in vogue today are based on the confused mentalities common to the early first millennia. It is also interesting to consider that the perpetual use of tropical astrology today may be an energetic and harmonic affirmation that perpetuates a chiasm in time that continues to widen at the rate of Earth's precession, one keeping the masses drifting in time-confusion rather than living in the truth that the true sidereal zodiak reveals. Perhaps Pluto's transit through sidereal Sag starting in 2006 will help open the way for the truth of the heavens to eventually shine.It took me several years to find an astrologer who was open to engaging in this conversation about the validity of Sidereal astrology. I asked her why Tropical Sun sign astrology still seems to make sense within and beyond the personal when it has become clearly apparent that it is astronomically inaccurate. She replied, because the collective consciousness makes it so. In essence, we create our own reality through thoughts. I found this particularly significant in the recent collective wave of Tropical agreement that Saturn is soon to move into Libra and Pluto is now firmly in Capricorn. I have these transits all over my chart so the fact that there has been a shift brings me no doubt. What I question is the quality of the signs of which they are being interpreted. The same could be said for most of the literature out there that uses generational shifts of planets in signs to support theories. It's significant to mention that this astrologer who I spoke with is also a Mayan cosmologer who interprets the Dreamspell rather than the Long Count or Traditional version of the Mayan calendar. Aha another dualistic system. The clues are all there. Let's just cut to the chase - the time of duality is over. We need to unify within ourselves on a personal and collective level to find harmony and healing in our little lives and in the broader reality of life on this planet and within the cosmos. We are but specks of star dust, grains of sand replicating the story of our galaxy and those beyond. We are holographic. Time to get with the program; i.e it ALL counts! The key point is we need to realise that our stories are just that and entirely of our own making although inspired by the world around us (in this case astronomy, geometry, psychology and mythology combined). These stories can shift at any point depending on who is telling it and from what perspective. Whether we agree with our own and other people's stories shapes our beliefs. Science, religion, philosophy, art, sport, politics, relationship, self identity... it's all a big story that helps create meaning in life - the grand illusion aka Maya. I personally am a fan of stories and choose which ones I follow carefully, at least I try to.
Mayan Dreamspell - WOW.
If reality is based on perception then we best get jiggy with our thoughts human folk. Do we really want to be living perpetually in the either/or, the good and bad the us and them. This paradigm of thought is what has created havoc on this planet throughout history.
Unified consciousness allows all to be as it is. It helps guide us to accept that all systems and thought forms are relevant if we relate to them as individuals and communities. Even dare I say Tropical astrology! It has its place. It speaks to most of us who are astrologically aligned. It's a great reminder of the foundations of analytical thought. It's what's predominantly out there right now in all the newspapers and magazines that helps spread astrology into the mainstream. It's another story. What intrigues me most when looking at Tropical and Sidereal astrology side by side is the commonalities - houses and aspects don't change, only the signs. So when we withdraw focus and energy from the sign's quality we simply have planets placed and connected geometrically around a circle representing an individual pattern in life at which point we may become witness in the centre (the 13th point) to pure energy - that which is.
If you are open to the experience of seeing yourself in a different astro-light go to
www.astro.com and in the extended chart selection click on "Warning - Hindu Lahiri geocentric (sidereal)" - gotta love that warning - and just sit with it. Watch how everything shifts into different signs, and some not... remember that the difference is only approximately 24 degrees right now so with 30 degrees to each sign we are subtracting back to early in the same sign if your coordinates are in the later degrees. You can also choose a chart that has your Natal, Transits and Progressions layered into one chart for a fuller image. It's an interesting experiment in opening up our perception to different ways of being and allows us the opportunity to take ancient wisdoms into our own hands in the NOW in honour of the remembrance of who we truly are and how to access our full potential with total response-ability and author-ity. Write your own story.
Bunny Star 103 Blue Crystal Night